Theft Proof Security Products
update your security products with

Australia made

insurance approved
high security products

purchased by

caravan, camper, boat and home owners,
businesses small and large, government, police, military

Australians have invented many of the worlds best innovative products

some include

four more products include

There are four more Australian designed and Australian made products to add to the above list.

all four products are
insurance approved

1994 Caravan Safe (also known as Hide Away Safe) is SCEC endorsed

2003 Padlock Protection the worlds highest security rated locking system replacing a padlock and mild steel chain

2007 Australian made wheel clamp stops thieves stealing caravans, camper trailers, boat trailers and other towable or driveable vehicles.

2010 Padlock Guard made from 316 stainless steel. Designed to stop thieves breaking padlocks, it is insurance approved and guaranteed for 10 years by the Australian manufacturer

above four products purchased by

table of contents

Caravan Safe includes 4 removable insert boxes

just imagine

Using the same high security, light-weight, virtually indestructible, fire resistant safe in your caravan as the military, police, customs and other government departments have used since 1994 to secure

you can

the Australian made
mk2 Hide Away Caravan Safe

Caravan Safe open
showing its docking station and 4 removable insert boxes
Caravan Safe open showing its docking station and 4 removable insert boxes

Caravan Safe

High security, light-weight, virtually indestructible, relocatable safe made from impact and fire resistant lexan polycarbonate.

DIY installation

In a caravan or motor home plus in houses, apartments, offices and factories.

Caravan Safe comes in two parts

safe box and docking station
Caravan Safe comes in two parts safe box and docking station - safe box being removed from its docking station
Caravan Safe being removed from its docking station

The Caravan Safe includes the high security, drill proof and pick proof Abloy PROTEC lock.

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Padlock Protection designed to replace a padlock and mild steel chain

used by the American Army
to secure gates on army bases

Secure your gate or other items that need a padlock and chain to stop them being stolen or broken into with the patented Australian made Padlock Protection.

Padlock Protection securing a pair of gates
Padlock Protection securing a pair of gates stops thieves and vandals breaking into or stealing your possessions
thieves and vandals
breaking into or stealing your possessions

Padlock Protection 10 out of 10 security rating and insurance approved

are you aware

Most people who use a padlock and chain use thin 4mm or 6mm diameter mild steel chain to secure

padlock and thin 4mm or 6mm diameter mild steel chain

Is quick and easily cut or broken by one of three methods thieves use, they are

leverage attackthis is a leverage attack, a quick and quite method to break a padlock of any size
hammer attackthis is a hammer attack, one of three methods to break a padlock of any size
bolt cutter attackbolt cutter used to cut a link in mild steel chain or cut the padlocks shackle

The patented Australian made Padlock Protection locking system designed to stop all above three methods thieves use to break a padlock or cut mild steel chain.

Padlock Protection consists of three components

steel shroud, customised padlock, high tensile chaincustomised padlock and both sides of the 10mm diameter high tensile chain secured inside the steel shroud
customised padlock fits inside the steel shroudcustomised padlock fits inside the steel shroud
10mm diameter high tensile chain10mm diameter high tensile chain cannot be cut with a bolt cutter no matter how long the bolt cutter is

steel shroud
10mm diameter high tensile chain
and customised padlock partially assembled
steel shroud, 10mm diameter high tensile chain and customised padlock partially assembled

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we re-invented the wheel clamp

High security Australian made wheel clamp for caravans, camper trailers, boat trailer wheels and all other towable or driveable vehicles.

it is

Enforcer Wheel ClampEnforcer Wheel Clamp stops opportunistic, smash and grab, semi professional thieves cutting chain or breaking a padlocksecurity rating
Superior Protection


all opportunistic
smash and grab
semi professional thieves

cutting chain or
breaking a padlock

plus its

quick and simple
to fit to and
remove from a wheel

Wheel Clamp Australia 10 out of 10 security rating and insurance approved

Supreme Wheel ClampSupreme Wheel Clamp stops all methods thieves use to cut chain or break a padlock how, Padlock Protection locking systemsecurity rating
Ultimate Protection

stops all methods

to break a padlock


Padlock Protection
locking system

plus its

quick and simple
to fit to and
remove from a wheel

Wheel Clamp Australia 10 out of 10 security rating and insurance approved

are you aware

Imported wheel clamp brands have no manufacturer warranty based on our research in October 2007, 2011, 2022 and 2024.

why the Australian Wheel Clamp has the highest security rating

fits all size wheels nothing to adjust

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Australian made wheel clamp protecting 4wd camper trailer, caravan and boat and trailer

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Padlock Guard designed to protect the padlock you own

designed to


all methods

opportunistic, smash and grab,
semi professional thieves
use to break a padlock

made from 316 stainless steel
stops thieves breaking padlocks
Padlock Guard made from 316 stainless steel stops thieves breaking padlocks

Padlock Guard 10 out of 10 security rating and insurance approved

made from

Padlock Guard is Australian made from 316 stainless steel.

designed to protect

The padlock you own being broken by thieves.

why should you purchase Padlock Guard

Stop a thief breaking your padlock when your asset is secured with a chain and padlock.

table of contents

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last updated
Monday February 10, 2025

copyright © 1982 – 2025